With over 22,000 m2 of storage located near the port of Rotterdam, RBF is the partner for storage of solid and liquid (hazardous) chemicals! We are your storage partner for solid and liquid chemicals in the port of Rotterdam.
At Rotterdam Blending & Filling, 10,000 m2 of our storage and distribution centre is equipped for storage and 10,000 m2 is equipped for storage of hazardous substances
ADR storage
RBF staff are trained to fill, handle and store hazardous substances. RBF can store hazardous substances from the following classes:
- ADR/IMDG class 3, flammable liquids
- ADR/IMDG class 4.1, flammable solids and self-decomposing substances
- ADR/IMDG Class 4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustion
- ADR/IMDG Class 4.3, Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
- ADR/IMDG Class 5.1, oxidizing substances
- ADR/IMDG Class 6.1, Packing group I, II & III, Toxic substances
- ADR/IMDG Class 8 Packing group I, II & III substances
- ADR/IMDG Class 9, Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
- CMR – Carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxic substances
- Unclassified chemicals
Goods remain at the RBF storage and distribution centre until they are delivered to the customer. RBF can also provide this delivery as part of the all-in-one concept.
CO2 extinguishing system
To ensure the safety of our employees, the products and the environment, RBF is equipped with an LPCO2 and ESFR extinguishing system throughout
storage and distribution centre. The use of LPCO2 ensures that RBF will be operational again quickly after an incident inside.
Quality and safety are of paramount importance at RBF. RBF has an environmental license, based on PGS 15 and WaBo. In addition, RBF is SQAS-certified and holds the ISO 9001 certificate.
More information?
Are you curious about what RBF can do for you or would you like more information about the possibilities at RBF? If so, please contact us. We will be happy to tell you more about our services.
If you have a question or comment for RBF, please ask your question below. We will contact you if necessary.